Featuring ham radio gear that has recently hit the market.


Fans of the US brand have been kept waiting for the new top-of-the-line K4 transceiver, with long delays, partly due to Covid-19 affecting parts supplies. Deliveries are now being made. The price is $4100 USD.

You can download the Introduction to the K4 here

NEW 20W HF SDR Transceiver

A new low power SDR rig has hit the market. Its the Xiegu G90, available locally at Tecsun Radios Australia, for $740. For details go to the Xiegu website.

Another QRP compact HF radio!

There has been a spate of new QRP radios coming on the market over the last few years, with the Elecraft KX2 and KX3, and the new Icom IC-705 at the top of the pile in terms of features. Now there is another one, the Discovery TX-500, from 599Labs. We don’t know anything about this company, their website only showcases their new HF/6m compact SDR. Available from Ham Radio Outlet (US) at $790 USD.

Pic from the 599Labs website