The Summerland Amateur Radio Club Inc. is a NSW incorporated association – number INC9874412 of 10/05/2000. The club’s ABN is 33 691 883 608.
Who are the members?
We are primarily amateur radio enthusiasts. Members are mostly licensed amateur (“ham”) operators, with an official callsign issued by the licensing authority of the country in which they operate, or persons interested in radio and electronics, such as shortwave listeners. There are as of August 2023, 40 financial members. Most come from the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia, but we do have some ‘DX’ members from interstate and overseas.
Where are we ?
The clubrooms are at 412 Richmond Hill Road, Richmond Hill, about a 10 minute drive east of Lismore. We use repeater sites near Lismore and Woodburn and on Mount Nardi.
Coverage Area
The club services the North East corner of NSW, extending roughly south to Yamba and Grafton, north to Byron Bay, west to Tenterfield and east to the Pacific Ocean. A number of members come from outside this general region.
Informal gatherings on Sunday afternoons from about 1300 hrs. Committee Meetings are held on the second Sunday each month unless changed to avoid other events. The usual start time is 1300 hrs.
The club shack
At the Richmond Hill clubrooms we have a radio room (‘shack’), with transceivers for HF through to 23cm.
There are two antenna masts, one holds a multi-band beam, the other holds various verticals, HF dipoles and small beams.
The club has a library with collections of amateur radio and electronics magazines and reference books. These can be scanned at the clubrooms directly on to a thumb drive. We also have a small lab for equipment testing, and a basic workshop with various mechanical and electrical tools. The club shop offers a range of consumables and surplus gear for sale.
What are our objects?
The objects of the association, as set out in the constitution, are:
(a) to promote amateur radio and the science of radio communications and electronics.
(b) to provide, and facilitate the provision of, resources and services for the use, benefit or development of the association and its members.
(c) to provide practical and educational assistance with radio communications and electronics for community groups and organisations
(d) to associate and/or affiliate with other organisations whose objects are similar to those of the association.
(e) to undertake any activities consistent with the constitution for the purpose of achieving these objects.
What do we do ?
The club promotes and supports ham radio activity in the Northern Rivers region. We are affiliated with the Wireless Institute of Australia. See the HISTORY page for background on the club origins. Repeaters are maintained on 6m, 2m, and 70cm. Most activity centers on the clubrooms at Richmond Hill, but there are also a number of field operations throughout the year. Regular nets on HF and VHF/UHF keep members in touch and may focus on particular topics of interest. SARC also promotes ham radio by providing courses for those seeking to obtain or upgrade an ACMA licence. Apart from meetings, there are social events and practical activities such as construction days.
Our Logo
The logo was designed by Paul McGuiness, VK2AMT, in consulation with the committee. It shows a transmission from a repeater mast, with the green land and the sun rising in a clear blue sky.